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Sourcing Truffle Trees

Buyer Protection
To protect purchasers of truffle inoculated trees, in 2013, the Australian Truffle Industry Association introduced a tree seedling testing scheme for the French black truffle, Tuber melanosporum.

Validated Seedling Tree Evaluation Program (AVSTEP).

AVSTEP has been created to provide prospective purchasers of inoculated trees for truffle production with an option to purchase independently evaluated tree seedlings.

The purpose of this program is to indicate the level of truffle colonisation, the health of the trees, or the presence of contaminants such as less-desirable Tuber species or other mycorrhizae.

The scheme, specifically for inoculated seedlings raised for the production of Tuber melanosporum, the French black truffle, is broadly based on a well-established Spanish testing program developed with government assistance to support and protect the truffle growing industry.

The scheme enables participating nurseries to supply customers with professionally evaluated inoculated seedling stock, accompanied by data collected and analysed through an independent process. 

The program allows nurseries and prospective purchasers to have greater confidence in their product with respect to tree root mycorrhization and tree health.

The scheme is open to all nurseries and is voluntary. A nursery can register to participate in the scheme simply by contacting the Australian Truffle Industry Association.

Read the full AVSTEP story and see participating nurseries here.
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